I-AM GreenStars

I-AM GreenStars Opportunities

Sustainable mixed fund with top scores

Our success story since 2013.
The I-AM GreenStars funds follow the principles of the European Green Deal: Roadmap to Achieve a Sustainable EU Economy.
The goal is for the EU to be the first continent to be climate neutral in 2050.

»By taking sustainability criteria into account, performance can be improved by reducing ESG risks.«

Günther Kastner, CIO at I-AM

Focus on sustainability and quality

The I-AM GreenStars Opportunities fund scores with its combination of outstanding performance and leading sustainability standards. Since its launch in 2013, it has consistently ranked at the top of its peer group of flexible asset management products. The fund's management team was awarded "Best Fund Manager 2020" in the "Mixed Assets - Aggressive EUR Germany" category by Citywire. The fund also achieves top scores for its ESG quality from Morningstar / Sustainalytics and MSCI ESG Research.

The I-AM GreenStars Opportunities can vary its equity exposure between 51 and 100 percent and further reduce it via derivatives; alternatively, it invests in corporate bonds. The focus is on quality, sustainability and active risk management. From a fundamental perspective, this results in a focus on blue chip companies, with a preference for high quality companies. The ESG integration is complementary and extends the classic corporate analysis. Active risk management is designed to help align and optimise risk and return.

Several characteristics argue for more stable portfolios in this strategy: large companies, with lower debt, more stable balance sheets and steady growth. Due to the higher ESG score, reputational, operational and financial risks tend to be reduced. The company selection is complemented by tactical allocation, where different investment ratios are adjusted according to the market environment.

Sustainability key figures

as of 02/2025

Multiple awards

Factsheet & Market Commentary

Dynamic Allocation - The I-AM GreenStars Opportunities pursues an active investment policy and is not restricted by a benchmark. The equity exposure may be up to 100% of the fund’s assets and is adjusted to the respective market environment. Moreover corporate bonds can also be added to the portfolio. Derivative instruments may be used as part of the investment strategy and for hedging purposes.

Quality & Sustainability - Regarding the issuer selection, the fund management pays particular attention to the characteristics of quality and sustainability, i.e. it seeks to invest in high-quality issuers that also meet certain environmental, social and corporate governance minimum standards.

Fund Information

Market Commentary
Legal Documents

The basis for the purchase of investment units is the presently valid prospectus, the current versions of the key investor document ("KID" or "KIID") as well as the annual report and, if older than eight months, the semi-annual report. Potential investors may obtain the current German-language versions free-of-charge from Raiffeisen Kapitalanlage-Gesellschaft m.b.H., Mooslackengasse 12, A-1190 Wien, and from the registered seat of the paying agent and information office in Germany, Raiffeisen Bank Internationa AG, Zweigstelle Deutschland, Wiesenhüttenplatz 26, D-60329 Frankfurt am Main. They are also available at www.rcm.at


For further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

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